Dark Matter

Kate McIntosh
Performance, 2009

A project by Kate McIntosh

Performed by Thomas Kasebacher, Kate McIntosh, Bruno Roubicek

Text Kate McIntosh & Tim Etchells

Dramaturg Pascale Petralia

Light design Minna Tiikkainen

Sound design Mikko Hynninen

Costumes Sofie Durnez

Technical director Joëlle Reyns

Production Margarita Production for TOF vzw

Tour Management SPIN

Coproducers CONNECTIONS Network, Kaaitheater (B), Les Spectacles vivants - Centre Pompidou (F)

In partnership with De Pianofabriek (B), STUK Kunstencentrum (B), WorkSpace Brussels (B), WP Zimmer (B), fabrik Potsdam in the frame of Tanzplan Potsdam: Artists-in-Residence (D), Sophiensaele (D)

With the support of de Vlaamse Overheid, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

CONNECTIONS is a mentorship and production initiative of the theatre festival SPIELART Munich in Cooperation with CAMPO - Gent, Republique - Copenhagen, Forum Freies Theater - Düsseldorf, Theaterhaus Gessnerallee - Zürich, Huis en Festival a/d Werf - Utrecht, Choreographisches Zentrum NRW/PACT Zollverein - Essen, Theater im Pumpenhaus - Münster, Kanuti Gildi SAAL - Tallinn, The Student Center - Zagreb, Koproduktionshaus brut - Vienna.

©Dominika Odrowaz

Let me just say this - tonight is a night of stripping, tonight is a night of peeling away, layer by layer by layer by layer - What will be left? What will we know at the end of it all? Much less! That's what!
Let's begin....

Dark Matter est la nouvelle performance de Kate McIntosh. Sous les projecteurs se tient une femme dans une robe étincelante, portant néanmoins une longue barbe grise. Les assistants aident McIntosh à manipuler les outils sur scène. Elle décrit Dark Matter comme une tentative de mettre en scène des questions philosophiques et scientifiques avec tout le glamour du showbiz et d'illustrer ces thèmes existentiels - ou peut-être même de les expliquer - au moyen d'expériences que les garçons font à la maison et dans le jardin.

Performance en Anglais

“With the charm and glamour of a music hall star, Kate McIntosh leads through the program entitled „Dark Matter“. She dances, she sings, she resists the trickery of the object, and she asks the big questions of life. The show, which Kate McIntosh calls a „full-on show-biz glam-cabaret style”… is entertainment at its best, and it is intelligent.” (Weblog tanz-de-ca)

“She stands there in a sparkly dress explaining the world. Two gentlemen in suits, who symbolise her rational and irrational sides, support her. Both are important, as Kate McIntosh quickly loses her thread. The potentially embarrassing gaps in the programme are quickly filled with adventurously simple, wonderfully amateurish tricks - a bunch of balloons and a microphone are whirled in the air to circus music, vinegar is poured into glasses, a man is covered with a mound of salt, and planks are brandished dangerously or transformed into seesaws. Then in the haze from a smoke-machine, Kate McIntosh disappears to another dimension, leaving the two men alone for a while. A starry sky glitters on the backdrop, and one of the men presents the 'absolute darkness' he has created in a paper bag.
This succession of wonderfully hyped-up absurdities is a humorous investigation of how far the theatre can go in its attempt to explain reality from the stage. In her demonstrative way, Kate McIntosh puts an infinite distance between herself and any reality. All attempts to make a definitive statement end up in hollow affectation. Beautiful and true.” (nachtkritik.de)

“…Kate McIntosh, the lady in green, negotiates the great questions of earthly existence and universal reality in a grotesque-comic manner: she has a go at being a stand-up comedian, creates musical interludes and small, apparently improvised dances in a colourful programme, through which she acts as moderator. The artist’s dry humour, and in particular her work with texts, movement and materials, is reminiscent of Wendy Houstoun, the grande dame of experimental dance theatre.” (tanznetz.de)

©Dominika Odrowaz
©Luc Massin
©Luc Massin
©Luc Massin
©Luc Massin
©Luc Massin
©Luc Massin
©Dominika Odrowaz



Szene Salzburg, SommerSzene, Salzburg (AT)


Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Plateaux Festival, Frankfurt (DE)


TUPP festival [Perfect Performance], Uppsala (SW)


Centre Pompidou, Metz (FR)


brut, Vienna (AT)


HAU, Berlin (DE)


Frascati Theater, Amsterdam (NL)


Grand Theatre, Groningen (NL)


Fabrik Potsdam, Werkschau Tanzplan Potsdam 2010, Potsdam (DE)


Monty, Antwerpen (BE)


Festival a/d Werf, Utrecht (NL)


PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)


Puppets' Theatre Pleciuga, KONTRAPUNKT 2010, Szczecin (PL)


Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)


brut, Vienna (AT)


CAMPO, Gent (BE)


Théâtre Arsenic, Lausanne (CH)


Theaterhaus Gessnerallee, Zürich (CH)


Theaterfestival Spielart, Münich (DE)


Kaaitheater, Brussels (BE) - PREMIERE