1. Meer beweging onder de hemel van S P I N
2. Towards Apartheid Free Zone Campaign
3. Geschaalde Vergoedingen
4. Nieuws van S P I N’s Artistieke Praktijken
5. Wallets
6. Binnenkort
Free Palestine, Ceasefire Now
While we demand that violence towards civilians stops immediately and that the right to self-determination is recognised as a necessary step towards peace, we try to rely on free and independent sources of information.
1. Free Palestine, Ceasefire Now
2. A lot of movement under S P I N’s sky
3. Hear Me Out
4. Biennalocene / Metropolitan Charter of the Rights of Cultural Work
5. Upcoming & Recent
Gevoelens kunnen waardevolle kennis zijn
Hans Bryssinck in gesprek met School of Love
From (co)Learning to (co)Disco
edited by Hans Bryssinck, Anna Czapski and Laura Deschepper.
Liberated from the Space-Ships: Change Strikes Back
by Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters.
Care for the people in times of pandemic: collective reflections to overcome uncertainty, essays to avoid inhabiting impotence
by the Plurinational and Popular Women's Parliament and the Feminist Organisations of Ecuador. Translation from Spanish to English by Hans Bryssinck.