

1. Meer beweging onder de hemel van S P I N
2. Towards Apartheid Free Zone Campaign
3. Geschaalde Vergoedingen
4. Nieuws van S P I N’s Artistieke Praktijken
5. Wallets
6. Binnenkort

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1. Free Palestine, Ceasefire Now
2. A lot of movement under S P I N’s sky
3. Hear Me Out
4. Biennalocene / Metropolitan Charter of the Rights of Cultural Work
5. Upcoming & Recent

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  1. De historiek S P I N: metamorfose in podiumland door Joris Janssens
  2. Gevoelens kunnen waardevolle kennis zijn Hans Bryssinck in gesprek met School of Love
  3. Wat, hoe & waar willen we leren? Documentatie van een verhalend gesprek
  4. Upcoming
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NR #4, OKTOBER 2021

  1. I Got a Job, or: Are You Fucking Kidding Me? door Marnie Slater
  2. Wat ik geleerd heb voor mijn dertigste door Laura Deschepper
  3. Upcoming & Tips
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ISSUE #3, April 2021

  1. Codisco, a S P I N project with radical_house
  2. From (co)Learning to (co)Disco
  3. Upcoming, past, cancelled and rescheduled
Read more

ISSUE #2, November 2020

  1. Liberated from the Space-Ships: Change Strikes Back
  2. Reframed Worktable
  3. Upcoming, past, cancelled, rescheduled and premiered
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EDITIE #1, April 2020

  1. Gedachten en stemmen over de huidige pandemie
  2. Wat is er gebeurd tijdens de MonsterMeet? (een 2018 S P I N project)
  3. Aankomend
Read more

Winter bites, but SPIN bites back

Winter bites, but SPIN bites back - here's the lowdown on current activities: Diederik is preparing rehearsals for his performance 'Undead' (working title), the last stop of his project Apparitions. The show will premiere in June at Shauspiel Leipzig (D).

In the meantime the 'Futurology of Cooperation' kicks off, the research Diederik will be conducting over the next 3 years with Anna Czapski at KASK & Conservatorium, School of Arts in Ghent. In February they invited Maja Kuzmanovic for an initiating lecture and workshop about the art and science of futurology.

Meanwhile Kate's tour rolls onward to Australia, France and Germany...

And Hans updates the blog with local perspectives from Mexico City where he's at.


SPIN is super excited

SPIN is super excited because Kate will show three works at once in hometown Brussels, during her October artist-in-residence focus week at Kaaitheater. For this occasion Dark Matter has risen from the dead, and both Worktable and In Many Hands will make (probably their last ever!) Brussels appearances… book ahead… and read Kaaitheater's interview with Kate here.

Hans co-wrote a beautiful future-vision keynote speech with Fabian Barba and delivered it on the symposium (Re)framing the International.

We locked up Diederik in a splendid monastery cell in France, but he broke out just in time to present some drawings and objects in STUK. He also invites Michael Portnoy and Benjamin Seror for a one-off experiment during Playground Festival later this fall.

SPIN's office key master Laura has been working with Showroom MAMA (Rotterdam) to curate the exhibition Character Building, about fan culture and its emancipatory narratives.


Fall 2018

SPIN is super excited because Kate will show three works at once in hometown Brussels, during her October artist-in-residence focus week at Kaaitheater. For this occasion Dark Matter has risen from the dead, and both Worktable and In Many Hands will make (probably their last ever!) Brussels appearances… book ahead… and read Kaaitheater's interview with Kate here.

Hans co-wrote a beautiful future-vision keynote speech with Fabian Barba and delivered it on the symposium (Re)framing the International.

We locked up Diederik in a splendid monastery cell in France, but he broke out just in time to present some drawings and objects in STUK. He also invites Michael Portnoy and Benjamin Seror for a one-off experiment during Playground Festival later this fall.

SPIN's office key master Laura has been working with Showroom MAMA (Rotterdam) to curate the exhibition Character Building, about fan culture and its emancipatory narratives.


WILSON Y LOS MÁS ELEGANTES / HANS BRYSSINCK - film online & publication

WILSON Y LOS MÁS ELEGANTES / HANS BRYSSINCK - film online & publication

We've finally made Hans' film Wilson y Los Más Elegantes available for watching online here! Just gather some friends, open a couple of fresh beers, lay your hands on the biggest screen that's around and enjoy watching it together...

And if you'd like to do some further reading, Juanfran Maldonado wrote a critical approach to the piece: Why is he singing our music? You can either read the original Spanish version on our blog here, or go to the English translation here.



Kate is very excited to be a Special Guest during the next BudaVista festival, at Budain Kortrijk (BE). She joins a great program, and shares some sound explorations that were inspirational during and after the making of In Many Hands. Come and see, there's a beautiful program of artists performing during the festival!


June News: Subsidies!

We’re overjoyed to announce that Diederik got a project grant from the Flemish Government for his new project ‘Undead’ (working title). But this happiness comes with a bitter taste, as – once more – numerous really cool and equally valid projects didn’t get granted anything. Not even a third of the proposals got the support they asked for, although the administration and artistic commissions advised the government to support many, many more. It seems clear that some of the new procedures to judge the dossiers have deficiencies that need to be attended to urgently. It also seems clear that the Flemish Government is not succeeding in making enough money available to support projects. In failing to do so the lively arts-field in Flanders is slowly (but surely) being drained at it’s very source. Obviously we think this is very alarming. As this problem is quite invisible for the general public, we hope that the various players in the Flemish cultural field speak up with a united voice, and use all that is in their power to convince politicians to address this issue. And we hope that the political class will act in time to prevent further drainage.


What's Up?

Wondering what we've been busy with? Planning a great tour of In Many Hands of course! We'll be presenting at venues and festival all over Europe - so check out the calendar to find out where to meet us.

In the meantime Hans is back in Mexico, writing up the script for his mysterious film project, while Diederik is checking out graveyards to find Dracula's voice.


SPIN THIS! Radio Show Podcast

SPIN THIS! Radio Show #1 has gone podcast!.... listen here

Recorded and live streamed from Chaff Cafe in Brussels, if you missed it the first time you can listen now. Episode #1 focuses on engagement - social, political and personal....


SPIN THIS! Radio Show

this Friday 6 May @17h!


Le Chaff Café
21 Place Jeu de Balle, Brussel 1000

With a wild pirate-leap onto the radio waves we launch SPIN THIS! Radio Show.
Broadcasting live from Le Chaff café on Brussels’ fleamarket – you can join us there to listen, speak, or throw tomatoes… or listen live from anywhere on the planet with the online streaming.

SPIN THIS! Radio Show will be a live and spontaneous brainstorm on the matter of engagement – political, social, personal.
We jump into inspirations and confusions about engagement - not as experts, but as people who want to talk about how we engage in public.
We’re interested in problems in the public sphere that affect the many, and how we can, how we try, how we desire, how we fail to engage with those problems.
We’re interested in formats of engagement - for us right now, in utopic future scenarios, in colourful historic examples.
And we have lots of personal struggles with what engagement means (maybe because we come from different countries???)!!!
So why not talk about it all together at the bar?
Also, we've never done radio before!
It's all about figuring it out as we go.

The Facebook page is live and ongoing - news will keep coming!



SPIN is not lazy, but dreams about it and reads about it out loud at the end of February during the next BudaVista at Buda in Kortrijk. In April Hans will take these relaxed thoughts with him to Texas where he will present Wilson y Los Más Elegantes and hopefully make the Texans sing ever so softly.

SPIN has also been involved with State Of The Arts to prepare the symposium on Fair Practices on 27 Feb (everyone’s invited!). And BUDA hosted us to collaborate on their coming program What's The Matter With Cooperation in April.

Meanwhile, Kate is deep in the studio cooking up a new performance… the premiere is set for 14th of October at PACT Zollverein (D) so save the date!

And last but not least, we want to show that this society can be different by actively taking to the streets in the Big Parade of Hart boven Hard - its on 20 March, be there!


Autumn News!

As October rolls in, SPIN is getting ready to cure your autumn blues with news from our man in Colombia and some new dates!

Hans just got back from a “productive holiday” in Colombia and would like to share his experiences and thoughts on creativity, production and starting a traditional Colombian band with you. Read more about it here. Leaving his aguardiente and exquisite coffees behind, Hans is now in Kortrijk with Kate preparing the SPIN appearances at the BUDAVISTA!#3 festival which takes place this weekend! Kate will be performing All Ears on Friday 04/10 and on Saturday there will be a treasure hunt with our friends of Amicale de Production. Aye! So be there! If you can’t make it this weekend, come and check All Ears at the Kaaistudio’s in Brussels on 23-25/10 or on one of the other dates you can find here! And if you like to roll up your sleeves, you can always join Kate’s workshop Worktable at the Fierce Festival in Birmingham on 03-06/10! So yes, SPIN is quite busy. But what is Diederik doing exactly?



SPIN supports Hart boven Hard, a civil movement for more equality and solidarity in Belgium. On the 29th of March they will organise a big parade in Brussels, so save the date!

After plenty of New Year drinks and Christmas dinners, SPIN is jumping to get back in shape for an exciting 2015. Hans just booked his plane ticket to Colombia and is looking for the perfect camera to join him. In the meantime Diederik is getting his Red Herring back in shape, touring with his friends of Grand Magasin, and preparing a treasure-hunt for Mons 2015 with Amicale de Production. SPIN and Amicale de Production are also preparing a choir sing-along concert at the 50 year Beursschouwburg party. Kate and Diederik will be hosting some artist talks during the We Love Radio festival in Buda, Kortrijk. Kate also travels to Vancouver to show Dark Matter and experiment on local performers with her workshop Misuse / Displace. In spring she will try a children’s version of Worktable at STORMOPKOMST and PACT Zollverein will present a special ‘portrait’ program, showing four of her works in one week. Meanwhile All Ears is still on the road!

Back on a political level, we also appreciated the editorial of Kaaitheater this month. It points to questions we’re discussing ourselves - and in the current political changes we look forward to more institutions taking a political stand.


November 2014

It's november and this is what we do:

Kate will spend next week at PACT Zollverein in Essen - to perform All Ears on Thursday and to run a workshop at the IMPACT14 symposium on Sunday.

Saturday 22.11 Wilson y Los Más Elegantes will be screened at the TheaterFilmFest in Dusseldorf. The day after on Sunday 23.11 Hans will take part in a conference on Film and Theater.


Indian Summer News 2014

The new season has begun and we are very proud to announce the film premiere of Wilson y Los Más Elegantes and the release of the first album by the band with the same name. So if you were wondering what our man in Colombia Hans Bryssinck has been up to, please read more below and pick up an evening dress to join us for the première. Or come see the avant-première and swing by SPIN’s camp at Buda Vista#5.

In the meantime, Kate McIntosh is leading a workshop during Impact14 and so is Diederik Peeters, during Summer School. Kate keeps on touring with All Ears and Diederik is clearing his throat for his first ever opera appearance in Inventer Des Nouvelles Erreurs by old time favourites Grand Magasin. We hope to see you at one of these events!

Meanwhile in Belgium a right-wing Flemish government has been installed and a Federal one is in the making... Policies are changing, therefore we want to support a large scale movement joining forces to care for social, cultural and human values. Everyone is invited this Monday 22nd September to the public meetings of Hart boven Hard in Brussels, Gent and Antwerp. Let’s gather our thoughts and voices.


Summer News

Summer has definitely arrived! To finish the season in beauty, SPIN cordially invites you to The Flat Shows in several living-rooms in Brussels. During the holidays we organise a summer-camp for the residents of Workspace Brussels Summer Residency. And in the meantime Hans will be Watching & Talking during the Belluard Bollwerk International Festival, as Kate and Diederik continue touring with All Ears, Worktableand Red Herring.




the next two TUESDAYs, we invite you to our QUANTIFICTION room at Kunstenfestivaldesarts for a conversation salon. We offer tasty pie-charts and a lively discussion putting (over)quantification under the microscope... Welcome!

Tuesdays 13th & 20th May / 18:30-19:30
>> Cinema Marivaux / KFDA festival centre, Brussels.


Camping Bella Vista

SPIN presents Camping Bella Vista!


For this BUDA VISTA you can just leave the car at home and miss the last train! Just bring your tent and sleeping bag for the occasion - SPIN & arts centre BUDA will take care of the view, the necessary facilities, the obligatory campfire and your nights sleep. Meet artists and audience in front of your own tent or around a bottle of Camping-Gaz. And, don't worry: if the weather fails us, we'll just hammer a preheated camping together!

The camping is free of charge and will start on Thursday 20/3 from 17h onwards. You can reserve a spot by mailing to info@budakortrijk.be, or register at the reception desk of Camping Bella Vista at Budafabriek, Dam 2A.

What to bring:

  • - Tent
  • - Mattress
  • - Sleeping bag
  • - Pajamas and toiletries
  • - Towel
  • - Clean underwear
  • - Lashing cord
  • - Cooling box
  • - Sunglasses
  • - Mosquito repellant
  • - Good sense of humor

SPIN provides a breakfast on Friday 21/3, Saturday 22/3 and Sunday 23/3, starting at 10 o'clock. Please register at the reception of Camping Bella Vista, every day before 17h or mail to info@budakortrijk.be. (5 EUR per person, to be paid in cash on the spot)

At each BUDA VISTA, the collective SPIN intervenes with a customized action that brings artists and audiences together in encounter, action and reflection. Camping Bella Vista is the third in line. Join us!


Autumn news 2013 update

SPIN has some lovely performances and interventions coming up so take your agenda and write down these dates:

23-25/10 Kate's next stop is hometown Brussels! She will be performing All Ears at Kaaistudio's. The 24th there will be an aftertalk so stick around if you want to hear Kate tell you all about the performance and more!

26/10 Join SPIN's workshop in imagining the future and thinking up small revolutions at Vooruit100. During the last day of Possible Futures people come together and discuss plans for the future and what part we can all play in this.

30/10 Diederik and Nada are ready to entertain you on these cold, creepy late October nights. We hope to see you all at the performance of Hulk in STUK (Leuven)! Mua-ha-ha-ha!

06-07/10 SPIN will be participating in State of the Arts: Call for Action at Beursschouwburg. These two days will create a platform by and for artists where there will be discussed what the 'State of the Arts' will be in an world driven by privatizations, cuts, profit, competition and based on inequality. Because our society very much looks like it's heading that way, it is important, necessary even, to think and talk about these issues and how we as artists can and want to position ourselves and take action.


Premiere Hulk

What Diederik is doing? Getting all excited to show you his new performance HULK! Don't miss the premiere:

11-12/10 Beursschouwburg, Brussels (B)

In this new show hothead Diederik is ready to blow a fuse and awake his inner Hulk! Read more about it here.

Other dates in October: 17-18/10 De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL) - 30-31/10 STUK, Leuven (B)



Autumn News

As October rolls in, SPIN is getting ready to cure your autumn blues with news from our man in Colombia and some new dates!

Hans just got back from a “productive holiday” in Colombia and would like to share his experiences and thoughts on creativity, production and starting a traditional Colombian band with you. Read more about it here. Leaving his aguardiente and exquisite coffees behind, Hans is now in Kortrijk with Kate preparing the SPIN appearances at the BUDAVISTA!#3 festival which takes place this weekend! Kate will be performing All Ears on Friday 04/10 and on Saturday there will be a treasure hunt with our friends of Amicale de Production. Aye! So be there! If you can’t make it this weekend, come and check All Ears at the Kaaistudio’s in Brussels on 23-25/10 or on one of the other dates you can find here! And if you like to roll up your sleeves, you can always join Kate’s workshop Worktable at the Fierce Festival in Birmingham on 03-06/10! So yes, SPIN is quite busy. But what is Diederik doing exactly?



SPIN gathering this weekend..... come!
21 September, 2013 - Kaaistudio's, Brussels
18h - 22h30

For this edition of 'Imagine Work' SPIN invites us to fantasise another sense of time - in our work and in our lives. Invited guests from very different perspectives will offer us a provocation on what work can be and how it can interact with the time of our lives. Can you imagine working only five hours a week? Could you see your procrastination as a skillful practice? Where do the time pressures of work come from, and what do they achieve? If your time seems scarce, if you're unsure how to juggle your own availability, if you dream of slow days or maybe faster ones, 'Imagine Work' proposes an opportunity to reflect, discuss and imagine what other kinds of working time might be possible.

For this session we hear from several guests - Mark Fisher (author of 'Capitalist Realism, Is There No Alternative?'), Gilad Reich and Yael Messer (curators of the exhibitions 'Time/Resistence' and 'Our Work is Never Over'), Hiroya Hirano (researcher on Basic Income and 'temporal autonomy') and Siegmar Zacharias (WOW-WE WORK HERE) - and you are invited to join as a discussion partner on the ideas they propose. Prepare to meet, to think, to listen and argue as we imagine together how radically different our working life and times could become.


imagine work! call


SPIN is organizing a gathering titled Imagine Work!

In preparation, we are asking friends and colleagues to send us a short statement in response to the question: If you were free to invent your way of working and your working conditions - what would you imagine?

This proposal of a possible, desirable or imagined work-life can be as crazy or as down to earth as you prefer. It can be focused on a minor detail, or it can be very broad. It can but doesn't have to be realistic - radical imagination is surely allowed.

Try to keep this desire statement short: 3 or 4 lines of writing is great, a few strong words is fine too. If you prefer recording a short video-message, or sending an image, these formats are welcome too. It would be great if we can have your answer by next Wednesday 5th of June.


May News

As Hans is preparing for the premiere of 'Suite N°1' this Saturday at Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kate is doing much the same for the première of her new show 'All Ears', next week at PACT Zollverein in Essen (D). If you can't make it there, do check the tour-dates! Diederik just came back from Essen actually, where he was fooling around for 2 weeks in preparation of a new show provisionally entitled 'Hulk' - to be premiered at Beursschouwburg the 11th of October. Ingrid is travelling to Paris next week with David Weber Krebs who will première the French version of 'Tonight, Lights Out!' at the festival tjjc, and straight from Paris to Essen of course, for 'All Ears'!



Aaargh we've been too busy to update our newsbar! Apart from rehearsing and performing, we also hosted a very nice evening-walk in Kortrijk during Buda Vista#2. At the moment Kate is in the studio preparing her new show All Ears, Hans left for Paris to work on Joris Lacoste's 'L'Encyclopédie de la Parole - Suite N°1', which will open at Kunstenfestivaldesarts in May. Diederik started working on a new show provisionally entitled 'Hulk' in STUK in Leuven. Oh, and Kate's Worktable will be expecting your visit this weekend in Rotterdam at Motel Mozaïque festival!


January 2013

News from our new base camp at Kaaistudio's in Brussels!

There are some great SPIN performances coming up so save these dates in your agenda:


Diederik Peeters will be presenting Red Herring at VirusFestival in De Spil, Roeselare (B).


After Roeselare, Peeters will take his Red Herring on a trip to BIT Teatergarasjen in Bergen (NO).


Kate McIntosh's Worktable will be all yours to explore at the In Between Time Festivalin Bristol (UK).


Untried Untested by Kate McIntosh will show at De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL).

In March we recommend BUDA VISTA!#2 at Kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk (B), where SPIN will be a guest contributor...

We hope to meet you on one or more of these delightful events!


December 2012

Last week we sat together with our friends of Amicale de Production for some in depth sharing of tips and tricks for production and for discussing the challenges of our artist-run organisations. It gave us some exciting insights. These kind of exchanges should happen more often! And as we are writing this Peeters & Bryssinck are losing it in the underground art scene of Mainz (DE). They are showing Los Viernes at the artist-run Performing Arts Depot.

Meanwhile SPIN is looking for beautiful strong built men who can help us with a double move. We will finally be released from the cage (aka our office) at Beursschouwburg to move to a co-working space (details will follow). And we will leave our old storage space with leaks to move into a new one without leaks.


Cuts cultural budget Wallonia Brussels 2012

Brutal cuts are being made in the cultural budget of Wallonia-Brussels!

The Minister of Culture of Wallonia-Brussels, Fadila Laanan, has made a budget for 2013 in which there will be massive cuts, especially for the theatre. The joke of it all is that the sector had to read about it in the newspaper (La Libre Belgique) on 12th November.

After taking note, protest was quickly being organised, led by the group Conseil Dead. There was a petition, a protest letter and a Facebook group and website launched. On the 20th there was a kind of funeral march towards the office of the minister. There, protesters held a small demonstration and a delegation talked to the minister and gave her the protest letters and petition signatures.

The news spread rapidly and the protest grew. On 26th November there was a demonstration in front of the office of Rudy Demotte who is the "minister-president", the prime minister, of Wallonia and Brussels and has made a global budget for the region for 2013 (with an avalanche of fresh cuts of course).

Some numbers:

The global budget of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels: €9.640.558.000

The project subsidies are being reduced by 25%, from €657.000 to €490.000

In the performing arts, these project subsidies are being cut from €9.248 million to €8.272 million, a diminution of 10%

The Commission of aid for theatrical projects is facing a 45% budget cut! There will be €700.000 to work with instead of the €1.260 million in 2012

The Commission for non-classical music will have its budget cut from €475.000 in 2012 to €340.000 in 2013

The Commission for dance will get €275.000 instead of €450.000 in 2012

(sources: La Libre Belgique, Le Vif)

As you can see, the project subsidies for theatre are being cut on a hallucinatory scale. Not that the other performing arts are being spared. These measures hit especially the artists, as structural organisations and cultural centers are mainly left untouched.

Support the artists and your colleagues and show your solidarity by signing the petition!

More info on our blog.



Kate McIntosh's Worktable will be presented at brut in Vienna (AT) from 5.12 till 9.12. Get to work!

In the meantime, in the secrecy of their living rooms, Diederik Peeters and Hans Bryssinck are working on an impossible project...

Also, we are trying to pimp our Facebook presence. So hey, check our page out!


October 2012

If you haven't seen the great Red Herring by Diederik Peeters then make your way to BUDA Kortrijk on 28.9, or to Vooruit in Gent on 17+18.10. For the ones who like to travel you can also see it at the 4+4 Days in Motion Festival in Prague (CZ) on 27.10.

You can see Untried Untested by Kate McIntosh in Mousonturm in Frankfurt (D) on 27+28.09. If you want to see her onstage, go and see Although we fell short by Tim Etchells in Frascati in Amsterdam (NL) on 6.10. Or take the rare chance to go and see Hullapolloi that she has made back in New-Zealand together with Jo Randerson and the Footnote Dance Company. It will be shown in Mousonturm in Frankfurt (D) on 13+14.10.

Hans Bryssinck just came back from Colombia with plenty of video footage and is now working in his studio-livingroom on the editing of that material.


Busy Busy

While Hans is in Colombia preparing a new project, Kate is showing her 'Worktable' installation and performs 'Although We Fell Short' at the Homo Alibi festival in Riga (Latvia), and Diederik is filming with Sarah & Charles for their new video-installation, today Els is reading a SPIN statement at the Theatrefestival Conference 'Crossroads' in the Singel in Antwerp.



We will hijack Beursschouwburg's top floor on Saturday the 23rd of June, to throw a pirate SPIN-PARTY. After the 'Out Loud' concert on the terrace that evening, we’ll pull on our parasite-costumes and guerilla-suits and take over the place. Spread the word and note it in your agenda right now: Saturday 23/06, 22h, Beursschouwburg!


Kate teaching, the rest of us debating

While Kate is teaching a week at the Masters course of HBK in Bern (Switzerland) with performance and scenography students, the rest of us are planning to attend the OPEN-HOUSE debates in the Vanderborght building on Thursday (Slow Art) and Friday (Creating Continuity in the Fragmented). In the afternoon, Diederik will also be guiding a tour along 5 'artistic laboratories' in Brussels.


'We Breathe' in New Performance Turku Festival

Should you be in the neighbourhood, tomorrow Kate will perform a new durational piece entitled 'We Breathe' at the Gallery Berner in the New Performance Festival in Turku (Finland). During the festival you can also visit the Biological Museum, where 'De-Placed' will be on the display, the video-installation Kate made in collaboration with Eva Meyer-Keller.


radio interview Kate

For German speakers!
A radio interview with Kate about Untried Untested playing this weekend at Pact Zollverein in Essen. Click here and scroll down to find the interview...



Three Tables for Testing Art & Political Action

This Saturday we gather for SPIN DAY #5!

EVEN ANGRIER & KINDER: Three Tables for Testing Art & Political Action

Still some places left - book at tickets@beursschouwburg.be

More information about the event here.

And preparation reading on our blog here!



In the frame of the SAPERE AUDE - DARE TO KNOW!-festival at Beursschouwburg there is an open call to participate in Chto Delat's seminar-rehearsal of a new Learning Play: "Russian Woods"

Seminars will take place on Sunday 18th, Monday 19th late afternoon time and the whole day on 27th of March, with a general rehearsal and public presentation on 28th of March 2012.

This seminar, initiated by the Chto Delat collective, continues a series of seminars dedicated to different issues of political and aesthetic representation and realized in a form of the rehearsal for the staging of a new Learning Play. It will be introduced to the public on the 28th of March in context of the festival Sapere Aude. Dare to know! at Beursschouwburg.


Please send your application with a self introduction and your previous experiences to: Dmitry Vilensky dmvilen@gmail.com and Séverine Debecker severine@beursschouwburg.be


Holidays are over!

Holidays are definitely over and so we're spinning!

Kate is in the final sprint towards the première of her new show 'Untried Untested', commissioned by Campo in Ghent, where the show opens next Thursday (9, 10, 11/02). Meanwhile Hans is warming up with Zhana Ivanova for a new episode of 'Now We Do It For Real' in Beursschouburg next Saturday (11/02). Diederik is hiding in the studio with Sarah & Charles, cooking up a new part in their 'Props for Drama' series entitled 'Plot Hole'. Diederik will also pop up in Vooruit in Ghent during 'Inside Superamas' next Wednesday (8/02), when Vooruit and Superamas officially kick off their long-term collaboration. A week later (14/02) you can catch him in STUK in Leuven where he joins Anna Rispoli for 'Casting Out The Nines', Anna's project for the Artefact Festival there. - It goes without saying it would be phenomenastic to run into you on of these occasions.



Preparing for SPIN NIGHT #4 tonight at Beursschouwburg. Feel free to join us, but don't forget to make a reservation, because there's only so many places around the table...


Living Room Festival is over

Just a couple of hours ago we were all still dancing in Sarah & Charles' living room, and now we can safely say that the first edition of the Brussels' Living Room Festival is officially closed. We're very happy everything went (relatively) well: nice living rooms, good audience, good performances, lectures, films and concerts...

Once more a big hug and massive thank you to all the organisers, to all the artists that performed for free... It's absolutely great to do something that only thrives on the enthusiasm of everyone involved! And also thanks to our lovely audience of course! Hope to see you again next year.

But first, a good, deep winter sleep...


Living Room Festival Kicks Off!

We're slightly nervous and pretty happy because in a couple of hours the first edition of the Brussels Living Room Festival will kick off in Sophie's living room. We do hope you made reservations, because the first three nights are more than fully booked! For the last night - party night - we can always find a place to fit you in... Looking forward to seeing you one of these nights!



There are plenty of exciting things waiting for us from January onwards. There will be a 4th SPIN night on 24.01.12 around abstraction and the incomprehensible at Beursschouwburg(Brussels). Kate McIntosh will premiere her new piece Untried Untested produced by Campo (Gent) on 9+10+11.02.12. Around the same time, on 11.02.12 Hans Bryssinck & Zhana Ivanova will present the 4th episode of Now we do it for real at Beursschouwburg(Brussels). At the end of February, 28.02.12 to be precise, you'll get another chance to see Red Herring by Diederik Peeters at STUK (Leuven). So write it down in your agenda, and hope to meet you on one or more of these occasions.



We've organized the Brussels version of the Living Room Festival (Berlin, Brussels, Madrid, Zagreb). It will take place 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 December in four neighboring apartments in Brussels. For reservations send an email to livingroomfestivalbrussels@spinspin.be Places are limited so don't hesitate too long!



Since you're reading this, we shouldn't be telling you anymore, but this website is NEW and it's online since 19.12.11 We are happy and proud and we would like to thank Boy, Kyle, Satoshi, Lisa and Kuni for all the great work they've put into it!


Hans Bryssinck & Christoph Hefti in a swimming pool

Hans Bryssinck & Christoph Hefti will perform in Les Thermes, an installation with a swimming pool with 20000 balls that have stoic thoughts engraved on them. It's conceived by France Distraction (Belinda Annaloro / Antoine Defoort / Julien Fournet / Halory Goerger / Sebastien Vial) for Musée de la danse (Rennes) on 17 + 18 + 19 November.


Red Herring

Here comes the première of the first production that is entirely produced by SPIN. We've seen sneak previews of Red Herring by Diederik Peeters and we can't wait for the première on 9 + 10 November at Beursschouwburg, Brussels. Also 18 November at kc nOna in Mechelen and 25 +26 November at BRUT in Vienna.


SPIN op batard

SPIN werd uitgenodigd op het Bâtard Salon waar de focus ligt op politieke en artistieke vormen van samenwerking en zelf-organisatie van kunstenaars. Zaterdag 22 oktober om 15 u in Beursschouwburg.


Kate McIntosh is performing a new text by Tim Etchells

Kate is performing a new text by Tim Etchells in the coming months. 'Although We Fell Short' is a speech made from the ruins and fragments of many other speeches. - It premieres at Kaaitheatre / Brussels 26+27 November and at PACT Zollverein / Essen 15 December


Kate has begun rehearsals

This month Kate has begun rehearsals for her new production 'Lifelike' (working title). The piece is commissioned by Campo (Gent) and premieres in February. She's in the studio now, working with the four performers - Boglárka Börcsök, Nada Gambier, Sara Manente, and Anna Whaley...