Sarah & Charles

2008 +

THE GOLF CLUB INCIDENT (2008) Installation by Sarah & Charles, with voice recordings from Danai Anesiadou, Hans Bryssinck and Diederik Peeters. Sound: 5 min. Loop.

THE HERO DIES (2008) Installation by Sarah & Charles, with Elsa-May Averill, Diederik Peeters.

The Heroe Dies... - Filmstill

Since 2008 Peeters regularly collaborates with Brussels based visual artists Sarah & Charles. Sarah & Charles devised the scenography for 'Thriller...' (2008) and 'Red Herring' (2011) while Peeters now and then pops up as actor or performer in Sarah & Charles' installations. More info on the work of Sarah & Charles on


Installation with voice recordings. Sound: 5 min. Loop. Set: A room, wallpaper, a lamp hanging from the ceiling and a table.


Chair 1 - further mentioned as C1

Characteristics: Bitter, sour, nagging, angry, feels unappreciated.

Chair 2 - further mentioned as C2.
Characteristics: easy going, jolly, in love, patronizing.

Plant - further mentioned as P.
Characteristics: Philosophical, a believer, naïve, optimistic, tuff douched, a survivor.

Both the chairs belonged to an office where they were part of a set of 80. C1 stood in the boss's office which made him feel important. Nevertheless he often felt underestimated. His biggest frustration: He wasn't the boss's desk chair. So he called himself second in range, positioning himself closest to the desk next to the Boss's big office chair. Together with his female college, C2, he was put outside on the day when new chairs were brought in. The old ones were sold, apart from them; they were damaged. She was put on top of him. This was her greatest joy and his worst nightmare. However, a 'beautiful' love affair sprung from this moment. You could call it 'a shotgun marriage'. The plant was bought as a decoration for a Jewish wedding. He was never taken care of and finally put outside as garbage. He suffered a lot growing up because his branches were tied into an armour to braid him into what he became. However, he never complained knowing that the pain caused by the armour, would eventually make him a very special and beautiful plant. He's the kind of plant which takes destiny the way it comes…

Situation / scenery with prerecorded actors and time delay recording of the spectator.

Time is the essence. By playing with time, reality becomes fiction...

The work completes the NOWHERE TO BE FOUND SERIES. It embroiders on the common denominator across these installations: The thin line between fiction and reality.

In this scenery / situation, the artists invite you to participate or better yet, lure you into participation and compel you to finalise this story. Once you enter, you will be part of it, no matter what. The confrontation is no longer solely between the visitor and the installation. In THE HERO DIES… besides the set, two fictional characters are introduced. The work is split up into the stage, as an "idea" of the real world, and the 4 projected movies, which bring together the spectator, the here and now, the stage and the world of our imagination.

The Heroe Dies... - Filmstill
The Golfclub Incident - installation view
The Golfclub Incident - installation view
The Heroe Dies... - Filmstill