The tendency to measure society in numbers and statistics is growing stronger. But does this push toward economic thinking actually kill off more important values? If we can't measure the imaginative, unpredictable, unfathomable – does it matter? Are numbers really truth?
Kate McIntosh and Dries Douibi have spent the last months thinking about quantification: this spring they joined a series of artists’ discussions organised by SPIN around the topic, and they wrote a short text in the VTi publication ‘Courant’, that you can also find on our blog.
And throughout the kunstenfestivaldesarts their Quantifiction laboratory and thinking-room is open at the festival centre - including works from David Helbich, Simon Asencio, Chloe Dierckx, Paul Gazzola and more. At 18:30 on 13 & 20 May SPIN will host a conversation salon in the space to delve into Quantifiction together. And at 18h on 21 May VTi will host a debate on the issue…