
Bryssinck & Peeters

een project van Hans Bryssinck & Diederik Peeters

naar een origineel idee van Anesiadou, Bryssinck & Peeters

met Hans Bryssinck, Diederik Peeters, Xingray Huang, Jun Zhang, Foo Fei Lin

beeldend kunstenaars Abel Auer & Dorotha Jurczak, Cheng Cheng Li, Ducha, Jarbas Lopes, Tang Yi, Harald Theys, Michael Vandenabeele, Wang Xingwei

advies Marc Vanrunxt

kostuums Carmel Peritore

styling Christoph Hefti

techniek Omar Lachgar

productie assistentie Ester Torres Falcato Simões

productie Margarita Production voor TOF vzw

coproductie Beursschouwburg (B), Buda Kunstencentrum (B), Les Subsistances (F)

in samenwerking met Netwerk vzw (B), Wiels (B), Theatre in Motion (CN), Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (BR), Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo (BR)

met de steun van de Vlaamse overheid, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

met dank aan Myriam Van Imschoot, Valerie Rousseau, Christoph Oertli, Erica Lobo, Lieven Dousselaere

©Bryssinck & Peeters & koïlab.

A tale about the quest for a giant carrot and an imaginary three-headed monster.

Zanahoria is a lecture about the proverbial carrot one holds in front of a donkey in order to make it move. For the follow-up of their cult-hit Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits…(2007), Bryssinck & Peeters (at that time still with Danai Anesiadou) went searching for the 'ultimate image'. This image would on one hand have to represent the trio and on the other be the perfect translation of their wildest imagination. They asked other artists to guide them on this quest, hoping that in this way unexpected and unpredictable elements would steal into their work, in order to surprise themselves. 'Zanahoria' light-headedly tells the story of this quest; a crazy oscillation between hopeful expectation and disappointment, between hilarity and despair, between truth and fiction, and between the dullness of reality and untainted imagination.

©Maya Wilsens
©Maya Wilsens
©Maya Wilsens
©Maya Wilsens
©Maya Wilsens
©Maya Wilsens



brut, Vienna (AT)


Ctyri Dny - Four Days Association, Prague (CZ)


De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL)


NONA Kunstencentrum, New Artists Festival, Mechelen (BE)


Vooruit Kunstencentrum, Gent (BE)


Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)


Netwerk, Aalst (BE)